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Maple Sugaring
in the 100-Acre Wood
How can you still get your 100-Acre Wood Maple Syrup?
Visit the Believe in Books Literacy Foundation office to purchase Monday through Friday, 9am-3pm or call
(603) 356-9980 to set up a pick-up time.
For online orders click here
*Note* ordering online will incur a shipping fee - if you can stop by the office to pick it up, please call to order first.
All net proceeds of 100-Acre Wood Maple Syrup purchases support Believe in Books Literacy Foundation’s literacy programs!
Thank you for your continued support!

Many containers come in Grade A Golden Delicate, Grade A Amber Rich or Grade A Dark Robust

Glass Jugs - 64 oz, 34 oz, 17 oz, 8.5 oz or 3.4 oz

Glass Mason Jar - 16 oz or 4 oz Glass Holiday/Moose - 8.5 oz

Glass Maple Leaf - 17 oz, 8.5 oz or 3.4 oz

Plastic Jugs - 128 oz (gal), 32 oz (qt) or 16 oz (pt)
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